The Thing Pt. 4

In a classroom filled with empty desks and seats, a female student named Matty enters, and Shelena, the only other student, sits in the front. Shelena shows Matty a news article on her phone. As the door opens, a teacher wearing teacher’s clothing enters the room, revealing her identity as Ashby Winter. Ashby has pale hollow eyes, corrupted veins around her face, and lips salivating a thick slime. Shelena is naked, and Ashby vomits a slimy parasite through her lips, causing her to scream and wretch…

The parasites transfer to Shelena’s mouth, causing a chain of parasites to invade her body. As the parasites fully transfer, Ashby leans back, letting out a satisfied moan. Shelena gasps for air, her body squirming around to the parasites inside her. As her insides begin to squelch and crunch, Shelena groans in pain at the transformation and her eyes take on the same infected look as Ashby. As Ashby and Shelena observe their painful transformations, they squirm on the floor, releasing slime from their holes. They engage in a sexually transmitted infection, forming a human daisy chain, licking each other’s pussies and moaning. As the parasites burrow into the next girl’s pussy, the infected women convulse and grunt at the creatures in their bodies. As the parasites settle in their bodies, the four women remain lying on the classroom floor, panting and moaning. Among the newly infected girls, Ashby lies among them, staring up at the ceiling. Ashby’s face grins as the infection spreads. The girls, stimulated by oral pleasure, continue to lick each other’s pussies, forming a human daisy chain, causing the infection to multiply.